Friday, January 6, 2012

To do list update and link love!

A review of my to do list for this week:

  • List something new in the store everyday(at least Mon-Fri, still deciding if I will do weekends too)
  • Start Valentine's Day cards-Have the ideas sketched. On the list for today.
  • Finish getting Christmas stuff down. I like the tree up for my birthday.
  • New blog header
  • Make a Hedgehog sleep sack for a friend. Sounds crazy, but I will share it.-Got fabric picked.
  • Sew some American Girl clothes, I think they would make great Valentine's Day gifts.-Hope to get some today.
  • Watch the Christmas movies I didn't get to watch before Christmas. I have Holiday Inn, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street, and It's a Wonderful Life to watch still.-Nope and I put them away.
  • Make a Valentine's Day mini book.-Paper pulled and sketches going.
  • Make my new purse.-Would help if I could find my fabric.
  • Library run.
  • Make banner for engagement party and get it mailed. 
  • Get listings that have sold recently remade-Have a couple done.

And these are some of my favorite links from the week!
-This one is great for wasting time for movie buffs. Not going to lie, I kick butt. It's played hangman style so you can get a little help figuring some out.-If you need something to make you laugh, check out Snarky in the Suburbs blog. This post is the one I read this week. She is HILARIOUS!
-I posted about this article yesterday, but am posting it again in case you missed it. How to develop a creative practice.

I hope everyone has a good day. We are staying home and watching lots of football! Go Saints!

At this moment

Listening to-last night's Big Bang Theory. LOVE this show!
Wearing-jeans, t-shirt, slippers. I usually have some kind of slipper on, even in the summer.
Feeling-was feeling a little off and then I read this and my mood changed.
Weather-very strange weather here. It's going to be in the 60's today. Seriously it's January.
Wanting-new running shoes, some books on coloring techniques.
Needing-new running shoes. I want these, WR10RG New Balance WR10 Women's Minimus Road Running Shoe
Thinking-about Valentine's Day projects, the article I mentioned above, and about needing a nap.
Enjoying-Big Bang Theory, the sunny, warm January day, Life.
Wondering-when it's going to snow.

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