We did it! We had a very successful Stallion Stampede. I'm worn out though. This year we changed things up regarding our teacher event. Every year we have the kids bring in their change during the week leading up to the Stampede. The top 4 teachers then participate in whatever the event is. The last 3 years it has been "Kiss the Pig", although last year it was a guinea pig instead of a real pig. This year we decided we needed something new. That new was a "So You Think Your Teacher Can Race?" event. We rented 4 "trikes" and the top 4 rode around the loop. Our top 4 ended up being our Principal, Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Blume(1st grade), Mrs. Floyd(Kindergarten), who is Audrey's teacher and Miss Hassemer(3rd grade), who is Dart's teacher and also happened to run a half marathon this morning. They were all great sports about this, even dressing up.
Just before take off. Mrs. Weaver in the lead. I love that they all did something a bit different.
The kids LOVED the teacher race. They followed them all around the track, even giving those who needed it a bit of help.
I'm worn out tonight, but the creative ideas are churning. Now that the Stampede is over, my attention can go other places and I'm excited. I'm excited that the Holiday's are just around the corner. I also have my best friends birthday coming up and I am working on figuring out something great for her gift. She's had some issues with her house and isn't going to be able to see her nephews graduate from boot camp because of the issues, so I want to come up with something AMAZING. Oh and she is such an amazing friend. She is Dart's other mom.
I will be back tomorrow with 7 on Sunday. I have several things I want to feature, just need to decide on the theme for this week.