Thursday, February 3, 2011

34 before 35 Update

I meant to get this posted yesterday, but totally forgot. Just going to update the ones I've actually done something on.

Here is my list of 34 Things I want to do before I turn 35!
1. Knit 3 scarves. My grandma taught me to knit and while I still am working on getting it all together I will make at least 3 scarves this year. Might do more, but that is my goal. I had taken a long time off from knitting and was worried I would forget how to, but I remembered. Nothing really going yet, still just trying to get my stitches down.
3. Learn more about book binding. I would love to do some different binding with mini books and stuff.
I found a really cool book at the library and can't wait to dig deeper into it.
4. Have 100 sales in my Etsy shop. I've got 2 so far!
Had another 2 sales this month.
5. Have 75 followers on my blog. Working on some fun things for the blog this year.
Up to 12 so far.
6. Maintain 50 items in my Etsy shop. I have so many things I want to make and hopefully it will be hard to have 50 items in my shop all the time because hopefully things will be selling!
So far have 15 up and have several to list. Just a few minor things to do and they will be listed.
9. Create digital cards. Think the cards you get at Christmas. Great for birth announcements, birthday invitations, Graduation open houses, wedding save the dates and more.
Have made I think 12 so far and loving it. Will be listing some on etsy very soon.
10. Declutter. I am tired of all the junk we have. I have started with my scrapbook stuff and actually look forward to creating because I don't get caught up in the stuff.
Cleaned out my magazine idea file, Christmas stuff(got rid of stuff didn't use and don't love), kids papers from school(got rid of a ton), and my computer, holy cow was that a mess.
11. Be proud of me. I have always had a hard time when someone tells me I create beautiful things and I'm talented. Need to learn to accept it.
I struggle around certain people, but am learning to embrace certain things about myself that make me happy.
12. Do more reading of creative/business books. I have a massive list of them to read.
Haven't read any books, but have done a lot of reading online that have been very interesting and helpful.
13. Learn to design elements in Photoshop Elements. I really want to learn to make digital elements for digital cards and stuff.
Had an aha moment one weekend and discovered all the things brushes can do. I thought they were only to add or remove or touch up photos.
15. Do more with photo editing. One thing is I want to go back and do some things with my older pics and also there is so much more fun stuff I can do with pictures.
Had some fun with some of the blizzard pictures.
18. Procrastinate less. I have been working hard on this. I am horrible at procrastinating and then doing everything at the last minute.
Figured out a new to-do list system and it seems to be helping with that. Also my timer has become my best friend. 
20. Menu Plan. I HATE going to the store constantly to get stuff for dinner. I also would love to see us eat a little better and know that will help us with that as well.
3 out of 4 weeks!!
24. Stay better caught up on pictures, editing and uploading. Upload to Shutterfly, Flickr and other spots. Also be better about backing up.
Haven't stayed on top of editing really, but have been great about downloading and deleting bad. January is on the external hard drive also. 
26. Cross Stitch 3 projects. I have so many I want to do and also a few projects I need to finish.
Worked some on a project already started.
27. Read 1 fun book a month. I love to read, just have a hard time making time for it. Hopefully this will force me to read more.
Candy Cane Murder by Joanne Fluke!!
32. Participate more at Flickr, Etsy groups and Etsyprenuer.
Have everything loaded on flickr. Now to just get a little more active on Etsy groups.
34. Do more to encourage Handmade Items!! I don't care if it's jewelry or cards or what, I just really want to do more to encourage buying handmade.
Have encouraged several people looking for gifts and ideas to check out etsy!

For the first month into the year, I'm pretty happy with my progress.


  1. I like this idea. I always have thought about making a bucket list of sorts, but i am a procrastinator, perhaps making a list of things to do before i am a certain age would be smarter.

  2. I like this list unfortunately would be one digit longer than yours. Also I saw on your twitter you have a hard drive. Tell me more. I want one, just dont know what to get.


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